mr muscle floor cleaner ingredients
but buyers should be alert to avoid buying poor quality imitations. 2;xA{V/hL5!W9-n:^P_ S If allied to marble, nickel, or stainless steel, wipe dry immediately. The ratings reflect potential health hazards but do not account for the level of exposure or individual susceptibility, factors that determine actual health risks,
1015 0 obj <> endobj /Length 64176 0000002111 00000 n ACRYLIC/METHACRYLIC ACID COPOLYMER SODIUM SALT. Few/no known or suspected hazards to health or the environment.
; Apply straight from the bottle: Gently squeeze small amount directly on sponge or surface.
Login To Dilute: 1 squeeze per 1 gallon of water.
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KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. ,8gc~S8.\N `q?` UkZg!i mMb%q1_x"Wx0HZr2|a0$9Lo*aKrqXy XO1p8OB"%@KHtOb* 0000003116 00000 n 0000002580 00000 n 1030 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<387ADA02C13B3845B51474BADCD25E45>]/Index[1015 38]/Info 1014 0 R/Length 83/Prev 116481/Root 1016 0 R/Size 1053/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream (. Currently on the market there are many stores and distributorsof Mr Muscle floor cleaner,but buyers should be alert to avoid buying poor quality imitations.
0000005277 00000 n
EWG provides information on cleaning product ingredients from the published scientific EWG provides information on cleaning product ingredients from published scientific literature, to supplement incomplete data available from companies and the government. Twitter At least some ingredient disclosure. Video call: +84 374 246 247 (WhatsApp, Zoom). Non-refillable container.
0000002937 00000 n Facebook Ethoxylated alcohol can also be used as an emulisifier. For additional detail about our fragrance ingredients, click here. Ke-7Y3y(;}8aYl
0000003639 00000 n
To do that, the modern family can not be missingMr Muscle floor cleaner 1L- a product that helps you dispatch any dirt on the floor.
News 0000190426 00000 n
Rinse with water.
Some people raise concerns about preservatives, because a small number of individuals have allergies to them just as some people have allergies to nuts or bees.
Wrap container and put in trash or offer for recycling, if available. At least some ingredient disclosure.
%PDF-1.5 % You can see more details at the following link: Modern production technology combined with a fragrance that makes users extremely excited, Instructions for using Mr Muscle floor cleaner, in 5 liters of water used to clean the surface. 1052 0 obj <>stream Because it is made in Vietnam, the price of affordable. HWmo6n.r8[,vI?hhQ6HIV{C=;*_iNn'/-&}]$Eev|LN=21U1'TJ":&^8YHn*TYN9:C&v Se&w#s|oqt0DN.\00;6Ldk[S[Mp,bLxF5`_*bXI4c%n]`J.#L~ ;X%95x^MHhI;:p8d 8_At^X
Not recommended for carpets, copper, brass, or aluminum surfaces. %;8Pygp:OZ e*Ja=sCPdjBZ-8:[B[Lst?m-/;C^W This non-specific ingredient was better disclosed elsewhere by the company. 0000134001 00000 n Over time, it is possible for formulas in a product to separate. ~JFD6MK}}|W*[{?!HF
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0000005611 00000 n Or, Follow us on social media for updates on new promotions and products: Mr Muscle's production process is always under strict supervision, The production process is always aimed at customer satisfaction. HWMO@GK%P%*WP$8 wvmd#7og*y9'$;~tF{j-R+ )9p5?aQ~8H?
0000009349 00000 n If irritation persists, call a physician. l@ca|6!obirp_T&t
Quaternary ammonium salts are cleaning agents, or "surfactants," that can also be found in disinfectants, fabric softeners and shampoos.
uses water elements, surfactants, flavors, colorants, preservatives and other additives to help keep the floor clean. 0[K/Pg|%'gGDmH-P&Q 4_HENo"r*A.Qq2Cml#H(r+l**DF,Nl/q""RlCw8r':!80rMhGEUR1o|,zMP'_o%=msoJoUgseY xi}]Ga*]&"UT6>4I*ZI:2rptDy:5M e 4;@tGUX R_hE=uZQ 4J0GK)*M$ SXGab3s4t~{TTuac=7,xbU
0000003294 00000 n
With 1 liter, bottled in plastic, The ingredients of Mr Muscle house cleaner. endstream endobj 1019 0 obj <>stream Qi/Xs\Y]Undt~n%:S|[LO/60[hjjt+ Cosy Biscuits Marie Taste Milk 336g x 10 Box, Meiji Yan Yan Chocolate Biscuits Snack 50g x 80 Cup, Fanta Cream Soda Fruity Soft Drink 330ml x 24 Can.
If wearing contacts, remove lenses after first 5 min., and continue rinsing. 0000007650 00000 n HW]:}0 RN!$"+C^v@6{fMtIJ+qf.>yWrk\$ !8p3@HFP#xdu~yb:}OY_Xyu! 0000004723 00000 n Currently on the market there are many stores and distributors.
We use it in our products to remove dirt and deposits by surrounding dirt particles to loosen them from the surface they are attached to, so they can be rinsed away. We add dyes to products for a variety of reasons including helping you see where you applied the product, when a product is used up, or for aesthetic reasons.
Liquitint Bright Yellow Dye is a colorant, or dye.
endstream endobj 1023 0 obj <>stream Without preservatives, many products would not last more than a week or two before being contaminated by bacteria, mold or yeast. 0000010125 00000 n
endstream endobj 1016 0 obj <>/Metadata 27 0 R/Pages 1013 0 R/StructTreeRoot 37 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 1017 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 595.32 842.04]/Parent 1013 0 R/Resources<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 1018 0 obj <>stream 0000002067 00000 n The ratings indicate the relative level of concern posed by exposure to the ingredients in this product - not the product itself - compared to other product formulations. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) bAZ8uht0J &b`yqKlH8/@_@^qRzeke -cZ6JK[0 q]xwfxX0$ E!O@6K]GR_=|LZ=P]K7>c4ApxcAC'P28 %}GR_=|,qbT4RyC@`x)WPsP1 @l9z-}Xn-H{,CZ/WXs(at`z$~P M_={F)[bf:N{-,C@|2igxc"b Chr[/:[q`@1^&bsrPc_NY,b#GJd.g}xd%#@lF}]j u`h{Mf+950\`f!mqY'_Ou|:: >4{( MwkEk$wfIWtAs "`g=tt 0000001916 00000 n 0000008537 00000 n
If stomach pain persists, consult a doctor immediately and remember to bring the same grade of product packaging with you.
There is concern that quaternary ammonium salts can cause dermal and respiratory allergies in sensitized populations. Because it is made in Vietnam, the price of affordableMr Muscle floor cleaner isalso very high, not to mention buying in large quantities is even more affordable.
Muscle floor cleanerhas outstanding use, helps to kill 99% of bacteria and is especially useful during the epidemic season.
)]s6@RHj|[(j?d)7Vhaz}\eCZE!EcZz@*.iyH" Rd)kQc aDh@8AJ
J7= FF8D| CAUTION: Causes moderate eye irritation. 0000003347 00000 n
has outstanding use, helps to kill 99% of bacteria and is especially useful during the epidemic season. IF SWALLOWED, drink 1-2 glasses of water and call a physician or poison control center. But preservatives play a very important role in food, cosmetics and household products. 0000082439 00000 n Good ingredient disclosure. O$Pg)WM3ifTobH1xf=GCIDBsX!wQaX@$(S])JJ?9E4D#2J{x4T>/r3H{f{j27w]dW=vjQ:$z]I6ZMtq_n5!zUE,3rzckKK\S8 VuaZ'4XQprI -u|HeI!20#>M,^^#^gQo6YVbb0>?1RCC2Cd^uj6XA 6a 7#8{-XTz>dKGzCcoVE;}=|3W[! J ~Gm`\i+}uXZ|\UGWYnQTTiiphWY}>jWrCUh 6c;l&mh:KG-{KQ|W!x5; :c%05anE 0000191308 00000 n >>
Have the product container or label with you when calling or going for treatment. trailer Some potential for hazards to health or the environment. Few/no known or suspected hazards to health or the environment, Limited potential for hazards to health or the environment, Some potential for hazards to health or the environment, Likely hazards to health or the environment, Potentially significant hazards to health or the environment. About us HW6}7G2^"x7$mZ*u-+Ye;_h>svfuy(wogrWBPs&7wX}?]=zs"F! 0000002753 00000 n endstream endobj 1022 0 obj <>stream Limited potential for hazards to health or the environment. 1939 0 obj <>stream 0000004363 00000 n ; STORAGE/DISPOSAL: Store in a cool place.
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May also have poor ingredient disclosure. also very high, not to mention buying in large quantities is even more affordable. endstream endobj 1020 0 obj <>stream
To do that, the modern family can not be missing. 0000011117 00000 n
0000004971 00000 n although called a cleanser, is still safe for hands because it uses special production technology and modern lines. %
Meets EWG's strictest standards for health and transparency. ; Always test on a small area before use.
(%M1J|eLHL QPS\-+ng??yYYN:1,
%%EOF It helps maintain product quality and performance over time. U Blogs. 0000005033 00000 n First aid: In case of swallowing the product, spray it out quickly and drink plenty of water. 0000010154 00000 n 0000006845 00000 n 0000010453 00000 n Do not Swallow the product, do not get the product into EYES.
is a product of Mr.Muscle brand - a number 1 brand in the US, made in Vietnam. 0000001700 00000 n 0000011822 00000 n
0000006456 00000 n 0000191473 00000 n Instagram, Home
We add emulsifiers to our products where needed to ensure that our products provide the same performance use after use. 0000114341 00000 n startxref Potentially significant hazards to health or the environment or poor ingredient disclosure. "Clean house is cool, clean bowl is delicious" is a saying that shows the importance of a clean living space in every family. Please check back for updated scores in the near future. The ratings indicate the relative level of concern posed by exposure to the ingredients in this product - not the product itself - compared to other product formulations. 1896 44 endstream endobj 1021 0 obj <>stream <> +x* "` %m"w0(5((>tVvl},Q1afEy_X9/d/"`mQeGH=k^Z6TeZ:kvCsn%l X However, concentrations of quaternary ammonium salts used in SC Johnson products are below levels that have shown effects in sensitization tests. also uses a combination of floor cleaning water and a delicate fragrance from Glade, which helps the floor retain a long and very pleasant fragrance. 0000190497 00000 n
- a product that helps you dispatch any dirt on the floor. So, we feel the best choice is to add preservatives in the smallest effective quantity to protect our products, but to list these preservatives in our formulas so that those with allergies in the family can make informed choices.
News Liquitint is a trademark and product of Milliken & Company, which is responsible for its contents. 4 0 obj hb```b``Sd`c`gb@ !V(X) i 6O2gE;}
0000004111 00000 n For more information, please order or contact the phone number on the website. 3X@6NA!97l` After only 5 minutes of contact, the product can remove all stubborn stains, returning your family a cool and clean space.
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EWG is in the process of updating this score.
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ball, combined with the production process is always strictly monitored, ensuring the best quality products to consumers.
Likely hazards to health or the environment. <>iYCqA n.|82(6^G!!hBdC m7I.e(M Od0)Hlcs{lA!"
Do not reuse or refill this container. 0000009990 00000 n ; The Auto-Stop cap allows you to squeeze firmly until flow automatically stops.
Do not induce vomiting unless they tell you to do so. 0000012563 00000 n
%%EOF Ethoxylated Alcohol is a cleaning agent, or "surfactant," that can also be found in household cleaning products like all-purpose cleaners and automobile cleaning products. Liquitint Blue MC is a colorant, or dye.
; FIRST AID: IF IN EYES, hold eyes open and rinse gently with water for 15-20 min.
%PDF-1.7 % 0000006941 00000 n Re9$h Potential choking hazard.
if any. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling and before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using the toilet. We add dyes to products for a variety of reasons including helping you see where you applied the product, when a product is used up, or for aesthetic reasons. What appears on the label: alcohol ethoxylates. stream
0 For stubborn stains, pour the solution directly on the stain or on a towel or sponge to clean, wait 5 minutes and then proceed to clean, Always follow the instructions when using floor cleaner. Kathon (methylchloroisothiazolinone & methylisothiazolinone) is a preservative. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, a leading international animal rights advocacy organization, has identified companies that "either test on animals or pay a laboratory to conduct tests on animals.
This dye is available from multiple suppliers, which are responsible for its contents.
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0000006621 00000 n 0000003400 00000 n hA 04x\GczC.
Store in a cool, dry place, away from sunlight.
For that, come toUNV DIMEX CO. LTD- A place to distributediverse products, many types, with many prices suitable for the choice of consumers.
a0``d; @d u3$XDx3RLZoUVR\W]WA,& - NLQ%7f`H:3 0 Kx It helps bind ingredients together and keep a formula from separating. hb```|v``0pl 2NppyKNag}pdhh@U6ab>H c s& e[Y{K3^Md`l\fp20@ N#
2,6-dimethyl-7-octen-2-ol; 2-t-butylcyclohexyl acetate; 3,7-dimethyloctan-3-ol; benzyl acetate; butylphenyl methylpropional*; citronellol*; dipropylene glycol; hexyl cinnamal*; hexyl salicylate*; terpineol*, $2017$ S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc. All Rights reserved, Current Page: Mr Muscle Kleen Floor Cleaner 3 In 1 Apple Fresh. 0000001202 00000 n Copyright 2022 All rights reserved | FMCGWHOLESALES.COM, "Clean house is cool, clean bowl is delicious" is a saying that shows the importance of a clean living space in every family.
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