marketing boston university
This course is designed to familiarize students with the current major theoretical streams of research in consumer behavior.
We offer a Social Media Marketing MOOC through Questrom Digital on the edX platform as part of the Digital Product Management Micromasters Degree, which provides entree into the marketing UG and MBA programs and custom executive engagements. Guest speakers from branding services, consulting, and practice provide insights throughout the course. The course will require quantitative skills and will use a combination of cases, lectures, and a hands-on project. A combination of cases, readings, textbook and projects will guide the student to a thorough understanding of advertising.
In addition, we will examine the methodology of market research (specific to consumer behavior) to build the tools you will need to interpret and base decisions on it. This type of modeling is distinct from "statistical modeling;" this latter type of modeling is very worthy of study, and is heavily covered in various other courses you will take or have taken (e.g., QM915: Multivariate Analysis). This course examines eCommerce as a business model, a field of operations, and a set of disciplines.
Formerly MK445. Pre-req for SHA students: SHA HF260; CAS MA115 (or MA113);CAS MA116, Undergraduate Prerequisites: QST MK323. The second module of the course focuses on assessing marketing performance and will cover decision support tools that can help brand and product managers make decisions with regard to marketing spending including advertising, pricing, and promotions. While this course has obvious relevance for those contemplating brand management careers in product or service markets, it is appropriate for a range of future professionals within for-profit and not-for-profit C2C and B2B worlds, and others who share a simple passion for branding. It is meant to instill in the student not only a knowledge of the current "state of the art" in consumer behavior research, but also an ability to apply behavioral science theory to consumer behavior research issues. Required for Marketing concentrators. Whether you are selling a product, an intervention or an idea, it can be a powerful tool for advancing social change in today's dynamic environment. Marketing elective for Business minors. Topics include trends and practices associated with media planning and buying across the various media platforms as well as advertising creative best practices. Readings will include primary empirical research articles (e.g., Journal of Consumer Research articles), business journal articles, and research reviews (e.g., Harvard Business Review articles).
These five characteristics have a big impact on the type of challenges, analysis, and marketing decisions made in high-tech industries.
The course will survey the major research methodologies used in marketing and social psychology, and will focus on both theoretical and practical considerations of research methods. It is divided into two parts. In the worst cases, ill-conceived citizenship marketing strategies can result in damaging consequences.
Effective Fall 2020, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Oral and/or Signed Communication, Research and Information Literacy, Writing, Research & Inquiry. We will use the product and customer growth matrix to determine new product opportunities and frameworks to prioritize markets for entry. The Behavioral Lab assists Questrom-affiliated researchers in conducting simulations and experiments that will develop new knowledge about management and human behavior. Marketing, in particular, begins and ends with the consumer -- from determining consumer needs to ensuring customer satisfaction. This course focuses on developing an advertising strategy that integrates traditional and digital advertising media for efficient and effective communication.
This is not a statistics course (though an introduction to basic principles is part of the course). Students will learn how to leverage marketing tools and emerging technologies in the creation (e.g., customer insight, product and service design, branding), delivery (e.g., communication and distribution), and capture (e.g., pricing, customer life time value) of marketplace value. The course will focus on managing marketing spend from the perspective of a marketing manager.
Undergraduate Prerequisites: QST AC221; AC222; MO221; QM221; QM222 or BA222; SM131; SM132; SM275, Undergraduate Prerequisites: QST SM131 and sophomore standing, Undergraduate Prerequisites: QST MK323. For PhD students in the Marketing department. The second part focuses on issues related to managing a salesperson or a group of salespeople: sales force sizing, recruitment, selection, and training; designing compensation and reward schemes; establishing sales objectives/quotas; supervising, mentoring, coaching, and motivating salespeople. In this course, we will learn how digital has revolutionized the interactions between firms and consumers along this journey. Read the full terms of use. This combination of academic and applied learning will provide a deep understanding of growth strategies needed to leverage market opportunities. Focuses on the practical needs of the marketing manager when making pricing decisions.
The first module of the course is on customer analytics and will cover the fundamental frameworks needed for customer-centric marketing with topics such as customer lifetime value, customer acquisition and retention, and customer equity. Select topics may include brand equity, brand (re)positioning, brand relationships, brand loyalty, brand community, open source branding, branded entertainment and other cultural branding strategies, internal branding, brand architecture design and portfolio strategy, brand leverage and extensions, brand metrics, crisis management, and brand stewardship. Through exposure to a strategic marketing perspective for the identification of research problem areas, this course will further socialize students into the process of developing research ideas and undertaking research, while stimulating the development of ideas for summer projects, qualifying papers, and dissertations.
Must meet with faculty member to discuss course content and goals. Advertising has changed in the age of digital media with companies realizing the importance of traditional media as well as owned media, paid media, and earned media. In this class, we will learn about causal methods, when they work, how to implement them in R, and how to apply them to digital markets. Particular attention is paid to branding challenges associated with today's interconnected, consumer-empowered, and transparent web-enabled world. Addressing Needs by writing differentiating proposals and winning in the room 4. Persuasive written and oral communications are essential skills that are required for success in every business discipline. Because firms that excel in developing deep insight into consumer behavior create and capture more value in the marketplace, it is critical for researchers to establish a strong foundation in consumer research. The strategic integration of a relevant social purpose into a product, business or nonprofit organization through brand-building citizenship activities can drive consumer and donor recall, consideration, acquisition, retention and propensity to recommend.
The course also examines how to measure the effectiveness of a firm's advertising to gain insights into brand performance. This course provides a practical understanding of how business strategies and tactics are driven by marketing's dual focus on customers and competition. The present course serves as a companion to the MK914: Seminar in Consumer Behavior I, and considers what some have called "The Cultural Interpretivist Turn" in Marketing. Course objectives include learning how to inspire action through compelling, high-impact communications by taking a point of view and supporting it with logic and evidence, generating insights with meaningful conclusions and recommendations, and understanding and applying the principles of logical reasoning to organize information and lead an audience to action. In this course, students will learn to apply insights from behavioral economics to effectively produce it. However, these efforts do not usually constitute a "silver bullet" and may not be the best solution to a business problem or societal need at all. The internet has become a ubiquitous channel for reaching consumers and gathering massive amounts of business-intelligence data. How is it that some products succeed and some fail? It uses a combination of in-class exercises, real world examples, cases, lecture, and discussion, Component of QST SM323, The Cross Functional Core. This course focuses on marketing to businesses and organizations rather than to consumers. We will also use data from other business and social science applications. This class will be a combination of case discussions, workshops, speakers, and finally application to real companies. It highlights the specificities of marketing in the luxury sector. Through a combination of class discussions, cases, articles, books, and projects, the course will prepare students to enter any facet of retailing and to benefit generally from a better understanding of this dynamic industry.
Includes an applied service marketing team project for a real organization (for an organization which has requested a student team to address its customer service issues). Why people are willing to drive across town to save $5 on a tank of gasoline, for example, when they would not drive a minute to save $5 on a refrigerator. The course will rely on cases, guest speakers, and a significant project. Students learn the techniques of strategic analysis necessary to price more profitably by evaluating the price sensitivity of buyers, determining relevant costs, anticipating and influencing competitors' pricing and formulating an appropriate pricing strategy. We will conduct qualitative and quantitative analyzes of company situations and then apply principles of marketing to provide solid recommendations from which companies can take action.
This course will teach students how to perform hands-on analytics on such datasets using modern supervised machine learning techniques through series a lectures and in-class exercises. The grading is based half on class participation and half on a required paper. This course will explore luxury entrepreneurship, innovation, and disruptive business models, the role of technology, craftsmanship, and design in the creation and evolution of luxury brands. The course includes lectures, case analysis, guest speakers, and a strategic marketing management simulation where students take the role of brand manager. Provides the insight and skills necessary to formulate and implement sound marketing strategies and marketing plans. The first introduces students to good selling strategy, tactics, techniques, and skills. We take an interdisciplinary approach to develop consumer knowledge that guides firm strategy, informs public policy, supports customer well-being, and educates the next generation of leaders and academicians. The key objectives of the course are to: Understand the special challenges involved in marketing high-tech products Learn how to analyze high-tech marketing problems which involve significant customer, market, and technological uncertainties; Examine approaches to improve the market orientation of, and the marketing-R&D interface in, high-tech companies; Understand the impact of diffusion of technology and adoption of innovation on targeting and segmentation decisions; Explore the effect of complementary products, databases, and systems on product and pricing decisions; Identify the challenges and drivers of success at different stages in a technology's life- cycle; and, Understand the concept of value networks and the role of complementors, partners, and competitors in high-tech industries. Cases, readings, in-class discussions, and team/individual assignments are designed to provide: An appreciation of the strategic discipline of branding and its role in creating shareholder value; an understanding of brands as co-creations of consumers, marketers, and cultures, and brand management as a collaborative process of meaning management; a sound foundation in consumer-brand behavior to inform brand decisions; and a capacity to think creatively and precisely about the strategies and tactics involved in building, leveraging, defending, and sustaining strong brands. BU is tweeting, poking, blogging, and tagging. Email: The business topics covered include pricing, balancing digital marketplaces like Airbnb and Uber, reputation systems, measuring influence in social networks, and algorithmic design. We use insights and methods from psychology, anthropology, economics, and computer science to understand how market factors and social context influence customer perceptions, decisions, and actions, and drive marketing programs and plans. Open to MBA students with instructor's permission. Areas of study include: cause-related marketing and cause branding; nonprofit branding and social movements, as well as corporate social responsibility and shared value creation. Application available on the Graduate Center website. 1, 2, or 3 cr. We will explore the fundamentals of eCommerce and the strategic importance of an eCommerce program within a company's overall strategy. This course builds on material presented in MK927 to familiarize doctoral students with various areas of investigation for problem-oriented academic marketing research pertinent to the research mission of the department: advancing the customer-focused firm.
This is an introductory course on Digital Marketing emphasizing analytics that seeks to familiarize students with digital marketing tactics. We will develop your ability to understand and influence what people want, how people decide what and when to buy, and whether people will be satisfied or dissatisfied with their decisions. Prior programming experience (or IS833/IS834) is strongly recommended. Topics addressed include leads generation and management; preparing and making sales presentations and sales calls; handling objections, networking; building relationships; closing deals; and ethics. Students analyze cases and participate in workshops that focus on key marketing management tasks: marketing research, consumer behavior, segmentation and targeting, sales forecasting, brand management, distribution channels, pricing, promotion and advertising strategies, and marketing ethics. The course includes lecture, discussion, an exam, and a team term project. Previous organizations include Warby Parker, the World Bank, and FCLT Global. In addition, we support the Questrom cross-disciplinary sector concentration in Retailing at the undergraduate level. This perspective calls for a broader conceptualization of the discipline, with greater attention to - phenomena and dynamics at the socio-cultural level, under-leveraged theoretical perspectives beyond psychology and economics, and grounded methodologies capable of situating consumer behavior in the context of people's lives. Students will analyze data using the R programming language, derive actionable insights from the data, and present their findings. BOSTON UNIVERSITY Creating and leveraging luxury brand equity is a significant challenge. Boston, MA 02215. And were BU, too. Using a combination of cases, discussions of specific topics, a simulation, guest speakers, and a project, the course will cover several themes including platform businesses marketing, understanding the organization buying center, creating and capturing value for business customers, communicating the offering benefit stack, and developing and maintaining relationships with other organizations. We possess distinctive expertise in explaining how value is created, captured, and sustained, and measured in the physical and digital worlds. Pre-req for SHA students: SHA HF260, Graduate Prerequisites: AC710/711/712 (previous or concurrent), Honorary, Service, and Professional Organizations, New England Commission of Higher Education. Digital offers powerful tactics to reach consumers along the funnel: online display ads raise awareness, search listings reach consumers with intent, on-site e-commerce marketing facilitate conversion, and social medial both energizes and retains customers.
Provides insight into the motivations, influences, and processes underlying consumption behavior. When is making a change to a price, algorithm, or product worthwhile? Topics covered include market segmentation, targeting, and positioning, and new product development. Discussion topics concern strategies for gaining competitive advantage and include: establishing a market orientation, product strategy, product innovation and new product development, brand design and product aesthetics, co-creation and mass customization, pricing strategy, sales promotions, corporate social responsibility, cause marketing, stakeholder marketing, and the measurement of firm and marketing performance. Find out what the BU community is saying and doingor join the conversation yourself. Boston, MA 02215.
Every organization -- be it government, private company or welfare agency -- is in the business of changing behavior. Understanding how to apply best practice, identify opportunities, address challenges, engage stakeholders and innovate strategically are essential skills in this rapidly evolving sector. Covers topics relating to customer service management and focuses on the role of marketing in managing services.
Questrom School of Business We will draw on a branch of statistics called causal inference that studies when data can be used to measure cause and effect. Definition of research problems, selection of research methodologies, design of research projects, interpretation of research results, and translation of research results into action. The Marketing Department supports a marketing concentration at both the undergraduate and MBA levels. Sessions are highly interactive featuring: Discussions with guest experts; Case studies; an RFP simulation; Role playing including "The Price is Right Game"; Video shorts; Student stories; Real- world best practices; and pitfalls. People today often communicate, organize and engage based on mutual interests, and, generally, place greater trust in organizations and individuals that work for a better world. Visit our Social Media Directory. This course equips students to sell complex products and services via consultative selling integrated with digital customer engagement.
This course is an introduction to personal selling and sales force management. Through exposure to a strategic marketing perspective for the identification of research problem areas, this course will further socialize students into the process of developing research ideas and undertaking research, while stimulating the development of ideas for summer projects, qualifying papers, and dissertations. and related to the role of marketing within the firm (e.g., greater level of customization of the offerings; need for closer interaction and alignment among marketing and manufacturing/R&D/product development, customer service, etc.). Finally, students will enhance professional skills that are integral to business success. This course examines the implications of these changes for marketers.
This course focuses on the practical needs of the marketing manager making pricing decisions. cr. If you already know what youd like us to do, lets get started. Considers relevant behavioral science theories/frameworks and their usefulness in formulating and evaluating marketing strategies (i.e., segmentation, positioning, product development, pricing, communications). The Marketing Department supports a marketing concentration at both the, Digital Product Management Micromasters Degree. Students will learn about the key environmental forces shaping the needs and preferences of the global consumer and the impact of foreign, political, and economic factors on the marketing mix. This course provides you with a good understanding of how marketing works in a high-tech context. Focuses on services, though there will be discussion of how services support products as well. The articles focus on optimization models. 595 Commonwealth Avenue Connecting with Prospects through networking, social, and door-opening conversations, 2. Graduate-level directed study in Marketing. Questrom School of Business Students will learn how to leverage marketing tools and emerging technologies in the creation (e.g., customer insight, product and service design, branding), delivery (e.g., communication and distribution), and capture (e.g., pricing, customer life time value) of marketplace value. They will also gain hands-on experience training machine learning models in Python and deriving insights and making predictions from real-world data. Discussion topics include but are not limited to the following strategies for gaining strategic advantage through the cultivation of marketing relationships: branding and brand equity, pricing, sales, customer relationship management and CRM, consumer-company identification, corporate social responsibility, consumer-to-consumer relationships and brand communities, retailing and customer service, product innovation, and product launch strategy.
Rather than relying on the gut intuition of a manager, businesses are increasingly using experiments and other forms of causal data analysis to answer these questions. Topics include but are not limited to: Myth and Cultural Narratives; Semiotics; Materialism; Consumer-Brand Relationships; Consumer Socialization; Sub-Cultures of Gender, Lifestyle, Ethnicity, and Social Class; Communities and Tribes; Illicit Pleasures, Addictions, and High Risk Consumption; Politics of Consumption; and Consumer Well-Being. Introduces students to the field of marketing management: analysis, planning and implementation of marketing strategies as the means for achieving an organization's objectives. A semester-long business plan project where students collect primary and secondary research explores the interactions and the cross functional integrations between marketing, operations, and finance, while leveraging business analytics. The overall purpose of this course is to impart concepts, tools, and frameworks that you can apply as you pursue careers as marketers of high-tech offerings, consultants, investment bankers, and service professionals. Basic branding disciplines including positioning and repositioning, brand equity measurement, brand leverage, integrated brand communications, brand stewardship, and brand architecture are considered, as are more contemporary topics such as brand parodies, brand community, and branded entertainment. Digital technologies have transformed the marketing communications paradigm and the consumer decision making process. The course will use a combination of cases, lectures, and a hands-on project to develop these skills. Rather than relying on the gut intuition of a manager, businesses are increasingly using experiments and other forms of causal data analysis to answer these questions. Registered by permission only.
This course will provide students with the frameworks and tools to help develop an appreciation of these and other distinct differences, to understand the approaches used by successful firms in such contexts, and to create and analyze marketing strategy and tactics for marketing to organizations. Students will explore dimensions of the modern landscapes of brand, corporate and nonprofit "citizenship" and how they relate to marketing. Directed study in Marketing. We will learn how to implement these methods in R. Causal inference has become especially important for digital businesses because they are often able to run experiments and to harness 'big data' to make decisions. If you want to learn more about BU Marketing & Communications and how we can help you, read on. There are many decision problems in marketing that require mathematical modeling, using operations research/ management science approaches. They will also master presentation delivery by connecting authentically to the audience, harnessing the power of storytelling, and using body language to positively reinforce the message. The purpose of the course is to give students the background to choose the methods that are most appropriate for their area of study, helping them to anticipate the shortcomings and problems they will encounter executing their chosen methodologies, and to defend their methodological choices against criticism in their interactions with investigators from allied and not-so-allied disciplines. Marketing to organizations is fundamentally different from marketing to consumers for a myriad of reasons related to customers (e.g., larger customers seeking customized offerings and prices; need for relationship building between suppliers and customers, etc.) At the heart of marketing lies consumers and their marketing journey through the stages of awareness, intent, conversion and finally retention. Across business contexts including B2C, B2B, products versus services, global versus domestic markets, small/medium/large organizations, for-profit versus social enterprises, the course builds the fundamental skills involved in analyzing market challenges and opportunities and making decisions for the formulation and implementation of successful and sustainable marketing programs.
Open only to non-Questrom students. Questrom's new digital hub for relevant, thought-provoking ideas on emerging business topics. We are an award-winning, full-service marketing agency. 2 or 4 cr. The course develops essential data analytics skills--critical thinking, data mining, experimental analysis and design--applied to ad campaign, ad attribution, and social media data. BOSTON UNIVERSITY Also covered are human resource, information management, operational, and financial overlaps with marketing throughout the course. The purpose of this course is to provide students with an in-depth understanding of how marketing principles can be applied to create both short-term and lasting social change. It is expected that students will develop and refine the ability both to critically evaluate the theoretical contribution of articles in consumer behavior and to formulate theory-based hypotheses capable of advancing the discipline's understanding of consumer behavior. Digital offers powerful tactics to reach consumers along the funnel: online display ads raise awareness, search listings reach consumers with intent, on-site e-commerce marketing facilitate conversion, and social medial both energizes and retains customers.
4 cr.
Application available on the Graduate Program Office website. Note: The course was previously offered under the title "Digital Marketing Analytics," but does not overlap with MK876; students may take both courses for credit. In this course, we will explore the most recent scientific research in marketing, psychology, and behavioral economics related to consumer behavior. Formerly MK472. Building Trusted Relationships through personal engagement and customer blueprinting. This is an introductory course on Digital Marketing emphasizing analytics that seeks to familiarize students with digital marketing tactics. The course employs a combination of cases, lectures, role plays, videos, and classroom exercises. Note that this information may change at any time.
In many instances, the difference is in their marketing.
Students learn the techniques of strategic analysis necessary to price more profitably by evaluating the price sensitivity of buyers, determining relevant costs, anticipating and influencing competitors' pricing, and formulating an appropriate pricing strategy.
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