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0000002182 00000 n HWW. Fits FI


0000002182 00000 n HWW. Fits FIMCO LSS-235 and LSS-235-H skid sprayers, Fits FIMCO LSS-280-E and LSS-280-EH skid sprayers. 0000395138 00000 n But first, there are 3 potential drawbacks to electric rewind hose reels.

Thanks @racer. hose n500 dultmeier reels reel rewind spring series related items wiring diagram transfer switch automatic cutler hammer dometic thermostat solar examples energy systems We use a solenoid to protect the motor from an electric surge. <]/Prev 492324>> 3. Then all you need to do is run your power from first reel to next reel. 0000003594 00000 n 0000053640 00000 n

20 0 obj <> endobj FIMCO 96" Lead Wire Assembly Alligator Clips, FIMCO 120" Lead Wire Assembly Cigarette Lighter Adapter, Wire Harness Assembly with On/Off Switch 10' x 14 GA, FIMCO 5' Extension for Lead Wire Assembly, Solenoid for Hannay 1500 12V Power Rewind Hose Reel. 0000000016 00000 n Then jump from that selenoid to reel 2? It gives you some warning that there is a problem. Which Flowzone Electric Backpack Sprayer Should I Get? 0000395577 00000 n What we see is the technician doesn't pay attention to what they are doing when rewinding the hose. 2022,FIMCO Industries. They let too much hose get on one side of the reel. (18), Hannay Reels Trombetta 12-Volt Solenoid 9917-0028 634-1241-212-08, Hannay Reels 12V DC Flange 1/2 HP Hose Reel Motor, Hannay Reels 24V DC Face Mount 1/3 HP Hose Reel Motor, Hannay Reels 12V DC Flange 2/3 HP Hose Reel Motor, 1" 90-Degree FxF Steel 4000 PSI Full Flow Swivel Joint (GLT VITON), 3/4" 90 FXF Steel 4500 PSI Super Swivel Joint, 12V Hose Reel Push Switch with Rubber Cap. 0000155105 00000 n Operator error. Plan on an electric reel costing about $350 +/- more than a manual reel. Electric hose reels cost more than manual reels and require the additional expense of the electric components. See crappy diagram. A lot of folks ask us how to wire their electric hose reel. 0000125700 00000 n xref We recommend you carry an extra fuse in the vehicle. Some owners worry that if the reel fails, they have no way to roll the hose back up. 1.

0000175734 00000 n Cost. See the pic above where connected. 0000205952 00000 n If so can I ground reel 2 to the trailer frame like reel 1? 0000002775 00000 n This is a legitimate concern.

0000078008 00000 n Here is how we do it: We use a push button (momentary) switch so the operator can't accidentally leave the switch in the on position. Do I need both if Im jumping from one reel to the 2nd reel? 0000032199 00000 n Just run your power to same place on 2nd reel. 0000002026 00000 n In this post, well explain how to wire your electric hose reel to ensure it runs correctly. For example, it winds up slower or makes an unusual noise. 58 0 obj <>stream 0000001378 00000 n 0000216420 00000 n How do can I jump from reel 1 to reel 2 without positive (power)? 0000003388 00000 n This occurs more than it should. 0000001854 00000 n 0000103480 00000 n 0000004183 00000 n 0000002337 00000 n The majority of problems we see with the electric reel are not with the reel itself but with the wiring - thats why you need to learn how to wire your hose reel properly. The 2nd red connection you see is running to the next reel. 0000225032 00000 n hb``d``b`e`8 @16zPvE! 74 ` @H+ Copyright 0000003492 00000 n

Qspray Now Offers Route Package Protection. 0 0000206907 00000 n You can just keep daisy chaining them. They make the technician's job much easier by automatically rewinding the hose at the push of a button and reduces the wear and tear on the applicators shoulder and elbow from cranking all day. Usually, it is a blown fuse. %PDF-1.4 % I have two Hannay 1520-18-17 electric hose reels stacked. Do I go positive from selenoid 1 to positive on selenoid 2 or do I go to straight to the button on reel 2? We like electric hose reels for pest control & weed control applications. This will be in an enclosed trailer. startxref 0000394589 00000 n This can be an expensive problem to fix so train, retrain and observe how your technicians use the equipment. trailer 0000213716 00000 n Or from selenoid on reel 1 to power button on reel 2? 0000125462 00000 n Now if I had another set on the other side of trailer would run another. Usually, if the reel motor is going to fail, it doesn't fail immediately. Do I go from selonoid to selenoid? 2016 W. North Lane, Phoenix, Az 85021 (Click For Map), All rights reserved Quality Equipment & Spray 2022, Blog Power Sprayer Parts and News, Pest Control Electric Hose Reel Wiring Diagram, B&G Pack Mule Designed for Integrated Pest Management (IPM). 0000001896 00000 n I wanted to know if I can run power from the battery to reel 1 selenoid to power that reel. Breakdown. You usually have time to address it. Replacement Solenoid for Hannay Reel(17.0025) 12 Volt is built for rewind hose reels on some FIMCO 200 and 300 Gallon Skid Sprayers. 0000387291 00000 n 20 39 This can cause the reel to bind up and if not caught soon, can cause the reel hub to wobble out of true. %%EOF 0000003442 00000 n 0000387871 00000 n Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Allrightsreserved. 0000216385 00000 n 0000125535 00000 n 0000125601 00000 n Depending on where your battery is, if its grounded already, then all you need to do is below as long as your bottom reel bolted thru to the frame or somewhere its got a ground. Open Monday through Friday: 8am-5pm (MST) - Call Us With Any Questions: (406) 830-3444, Copyright 2022 North Ridge Fire Equipment, Wildland Firefighting Gear - Missoula, Montana, In stock I have 2 of those 40 amp fuses in the picture. endstream endobj 21 0 obj <><><><><><>]/ON[24 0 R 25 0 R]/Order[]/RBGroups[]>>/OCGs[24 0 R 25 0 R]>>/OpenAction 22 0 R/PageLabels 15 0 R/Pages 17 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 22 0 obj <> endobj 23 0 obj <>/Font<>>>/Fields 11 0 R>> endobj 24 0 obj <>/PageElement<>/Print<>/View<>>>>> endobj 25 0 obj <>/PageElement<>/Print<>/View<>>>>> endobj 26 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0 0 612 792]/Type/Page>> endobj 27 0 obj <> endobj 28 0 obj [/Separation/Black/DeviceCMYK 51 0 R] endobj 29 0 obj <> endobj 30 0 obj <> endobj 31 0 obj <> endobj 32 0 obj <> endobj 33 0 obj <>stream 0000213673 00000 n Finally, the point of this long boring post. 0000394643 00000 n 0000394489 00000 n 0000001076 00000 n 2. To manage our business growth, has a $30 minimum order. No just one will be fine. XDAA &4000834n5 '~b5,^Vla`4rCF$_0936$C~L@l{f3 / If so how do I do that? 0000003695 00000 n If you consider this cost over the life of the reel, this is not much money.

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0000002182 00000 n HWW. Fits FI

0000002182 00000 n HWW. Fits FI  関連記事

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