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0003141 00000 n 0000005115 0000


0000003141 00000 n 0000005115 00000 n

0000001336 00000 n 2 - Description of the option The cooling of the compressed air allows the suction air to be dried, thus removing the humidity that collects in the bottom of the separator after being condensed in the aftercooler. 0000004792 00000 n 2 - Option overview - There is no air consumption due to the level detection system : an inductive sensor detects the level of condensation and thus controls the opening of the electric bleed valve. 0000006616 00000 n 0000014327 00000 n compressor air manual husky needanownersmanual 0000009168 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n 0000005250 00000 n 0000003365 00000 n The maintenance period is limited to several essential operations. 0000004165 00000 n 0000403011 00000 n 0000009031 00000 n Section 1 - Description A - General Information The Chicago Pneumatic Compressors CP model air compressor is a compressed air unit and is presented as an entire unit completely assembled and tested. *{L5*K|rvZ)2L:B*S@47s|&HdZSDT>~v lfnz6rluOAmXI2O. 13 1 - Description This device allows bleeding of the condensates formed in the air cooler. 0000006932 00000 n 0000004508 00000 n 0000005247 00000 n 0000012035 00000 n

0000007623 00000 n 0000005740 00000 n

0000004144 00000 n 14b 5b Fig. ^Lq#*^3mj"}"wAbK;0r+N e)8/? This air passes through the compression element where it is mixed with oil injected during compression. 0000005875 00000 n 0000004666 00000 n This equipment has been factory tested and satisfies normal operating conditions: they must not be exceeded as this would place the machine under abnormal stress and effort. Under normal operating conditions, the CP compressor must provide full satisfaction. Fig. L Flexible fitting V B - Room The CPVS is designed to operate in a frost-free environment, supplied with air at a temperature of no more than 104 F. 0000410884 00000 n 2. ATTENTION The power circuit must be turned whenever adjusting electrical equipment or to prevent accidental starting. 0000503684 00000 n Access to the filtering medium is allowed by removal that does not require any particular tool. 2018 Compressed Air Advisors Inc. All rights reserved, Rotary Screw/Vane OEM PM and Service Kits, Atlas Copco Rotary Screw PM Kits and PM Parts, DV Systems Rotary Screw PM Kits and PM Parts, FS Curtis Rotary Screw PM Kits and PM Parts, Reciprocating OEM Maintenance Kits and Parts, Scroll Air Compressor OEM Maintenance and PM Parts, SPX Hankison Refrigerated Dryer Maintenance Kit, FS-Curtis Desiccant Dryer PM and Service Parts, Jorc Oil/Water Separator Preventative Maintenance Service Kit, Clean Resources Oil/WAter Separator Replacement Cartridges, Click Here to Download Instruction Manual, Chicago Pneumatic QRS 10- 20M - 2,000 Hour Preventative Maintenance Kit - 2200902356, Chicago Pneumatic QRS 10hp - 20M - 4,000 Hour Preventative Maintenance Kit - 2200902354, Chicago Pneumatic QRS 15-HP Rotary Screw Air Compressor. 0000007953 00000 n 0000010592 00000 n 0000011759 00000 n 0000003139 00000 n The CP Compressors should never be operated beyond its capabilities or in any way which does not comply with the instructions contained in this operating and maintenance guide. $uI*5iZT{94E$?I Ah8.-X4Y!B+2e_!xT[`M{&U0^Ei.alyMH:GiP|W WBN. Under normal operating conditions, the CPVS compressor must provide full satisfaction. 0000003895 00000 n Exceptional longevity of the medium that is quick to take apart. `@CiC9\-.`a? 0000004766 00000 n 0000014077 00000 n 0000003787 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n 0000010490 00000 n 0000006204 00000 n It is strongly recommended that the power supply be cut off during any adjustment or repair. 0000011855 00000 n ATTENTION The power circuit will have to be cut off when adjusting the electrical equipment or if inadvertent start-up is to be avoided. 0000007514 00000 n Section 3 - Implementation A - Preparation for start-up Before starting the set for the first time, the operator must get to know the different systems. 0000003949 00000 n 0000005597 00000 n 0000012614 00000 n startxref The main locations which have to be examined are shown on the figures. The outer surface of the nest of tubes must always be kept clean in order to enable proper heat transfer. Observed defects Possible causes 1. 0000002176 00000 n 0000011638 00000 n 0000411544 00000 n 1G`?|[h6B~f,;";fef&-*7 Hot parts DANGER This symbol identifies immediate hazards which will result in severe personal injury, death or substantial property damage. 0000003571 00000 n 0000403148 00000 n 0000010913 00000 n 0000003409 00000 n 0000010304 00000 n 19) (see B Section 1) The recommended oil used for the first compressor fill up is a mineral oil with the following properties : - viscosity: 40 cSt at 104 F viscosity index: 90 minimum antioxidant additives anti-rust additives anti-foam additives THE FIRST OIL CHANGE MUST BE CARRIED OUT AFTER THE FIRST 500 HOURS OPERATION. 0000008620 00000 n 0000003463 00000 n 3%ojH\3/Npe9YG_ 0000012251 00000 n 6) 2 - Option overview - This option is used as a replacement for the standard filter 1 - Description The BEKOMAT type level detection bleed valve allows all air consumption to be avoided while the compressor is not running. 0000012505 00000 n 0000003841 00000 n Section 2 - Installation Prevailing wind A - Handling The CPVS Compressor must always be handled with care. 0000012915 00000 n A - Oil level and change (see fig. 0000007771 00000 n 0000004897 00000 n IMPORTANT Before start up, make sure that transport red wedges have been effectively removed.

Inside the oil tank, the compressed air is pre-deoiled by shocks, then flows through the oil separator (rep 49). CPVS Model Motor power (hp) 40 50 60 75 40 50 60 75 Main Voltage 460 Volt / 3 / 60 Hz Nominal current (A) Power supply cable Fuse protection (Type RK5) 69 81 89 125 AWG 4 AWG 3 AWG 1 AWG 0 80 100 125 150 Connection of the electric plate to an external control box Install an RC filter on the KM1 coil. 0000008293 00000 n 0000008737 00000 n 0000005163 00000 n 0000003456 00000 n Instruction Manual EN CP COMPRESSOR Model CPVS 40 - 50 - 60 - 75 62 305 258 65 ed00 CPVS 50. 0000007861 00000 n Fh!=| LQq 2d,ec\9 AV; W9y3 (V`[bsO+LwK2>psoi% 0 xb```b`Pf`c```a@ ;F7 < <<8BE0E4400C4AA6439C5A26162623CFFC>]>> Chicago Pneumatic Compressors will decline any responsibility if these instructions are not respected. 20 - Oil return pipe The aluminium oil and air cooler is a vital part in the CPVS system. 0000004003 00000 n ; 0000003224 00000 n 0000003187 00000 n 0000010084 00000 n

0000004938 00000 n 0000009627 00000 n 4 A - Air and oil circuits 20 Compressor 21 Suction element The air is sucked into the compressor through a filter (rep. 23). 0000013625 00000 n 0 F7Q|H)QFS0QUM=dtfN@3YX-UwIBIF"EKo!sGA1]PzXU8`KH: :"

0000006326 00000 n 0000012143 00000 n 0000003301 00000 n endstream endobj 616 0 obj [ /ICCBased 624 0 R ] endobj 617 0 obj << /Type /FontDescriptor /Ascent 891 /CapHeight 0 /Descent -216 /Flags 34 /FontBBox [ -558 -307 2000 1026 ] /FontName /EHGIIN+TimesNewRoman,Bold /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 133 /FontFile2 619 0 R >> endobj 618 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /TrueType /FirstChar 32 /LastChar 233 /Widths [ 250 0 555 0 0 0 0 278 333 333 500 570 250 333 250 278 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 333 0 0 0 0 0 930 722 667 722 722 667 611 778 778 389 500 778 667 944 722 778 611 778 722 556 667 722 722 1000 0 722 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 556 444 556 444 333 500 556 278 333 556 278 833 556 500 556 556 444 389 333 556 500 722 500 500 444 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 350 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 444 ] /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /BaseFont /EHGIIN+TimesNewRoman,Bold /FontDescriptor 617 0 R >> endobj 619 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 32361 /Length1 53392 >> stream 0000013730 00000 n %%EOF 245 0 obj <>stream 0000011282 00000 n 0000006754 00000 n T]:#vzujx8jOo?>!XAa"R. %%EOF The standard microcut time accepted by AIRLOGIC is approximately : 250 ms. G - Centrifugal separator (See B Section 3) Fig. 0000003193 00000 n 0000004111 00000 n 460 V. NEVER OPERATE THE CPVS ON A VOLTAGE OTHER THAN THAT SHOWN ON THE ELECTRIC CABINET. 0000411474 00000 n 0000402174 00000 n startxref BE@0 P6BNFn+]r6-:;8B9B(]fV0 a=U?08VQ)|W;VM;a]1c+Ljok+CLP` 2}PBY9^VUHXxsTi77eC4 aXCstQ1z\8?D 0-b&:$[}4'3, x&|0f6@ 0000006521 00000 n 0000004273 00000 n 14d 5d Fig. xref Section 6 - Specific information for CPVS 40-50-60-75 Refer also to the chapters concerning the standard machine. xb```f```e`` Bl,L0!y)j 0000002977 00000 n 0000013110 00000 n Fig.

0000005152 00000 n 0000004569 00000 n 2 - Option overview Not available in standard version in order to prevent any incident during maintenance operations carried out by an untrained person. 0000003112 00000 n Section 4 - Operation Key fig.

0000003031 00000 n 3 - Technical features Operating temperature : -104 F to + 194 F C - Pre-filtration panels Fig. 0000012418 00000 n In the latter case, precautions must be taken so as not to damage the unit's cowling. Section 8 - Operating incidents The staff in charge of maintenance of the CP Compressor must become fully acquainted with this machine, in order to be able to easily diagnose any anomaly. 0000002912 00000 n 0000009522 00000 n 0000009756 00000 n hDn0y 0000007362 00000 n D -Automatic restarting 1 - Description This management system enables the compressor to be restarted automatically after a power outage. 0000402941 00000 n 0000009284 00000 n H\U TUGT/A"NKP0&&qjH5Di5*5QAC.u)%VMkn0Izkw3B#y#"':t(5 2168 0 obj <> endobj 0000008057 00000 n The QRS 15-hp rotary screw air compressor is designed for continuous duty operation, at full compressor output without affecting the compressor life.

Fig. D - Definition of the pictograms Typical examples of pictograms valid for CP Compressors: 1. 0000003517 00000 n Please take care of this element. 0000010196 00000 n xref "CPVS" compressors are compliant with the Electromagnetic compatibility in industrial environments Standards 50081-2 and 50082-2 A - Description (cf Section 1) Standard equipment A electronic frequency adjusting device replaces the star-delta starter. 0000005189 00000 n 3. 0000010699 00000 n ?fL ^Aa.5TgN|&QSx*1C^W 14a The principle of the pressure regulation by variable speed Pressure required Controller Drive Motor Compressor unit Tank Frequency speed Pressure sensor System Pressure regulation for low rates of flow Energy saving For an air consumption rate lower than the minimum rate of flow for the machine, the pressure is adjusted by the machine's timedelayed START/STOP controls. 5. 0000006479 00000 n 0000005493 00000 n The condensates are evacuated from the separator through a trap with a solenoid drip valve or a trap with level detector if this option is installed. CONTENTS Space requirement and installation diagram : CPVS Model 40-50-60-75 .. 5 Section 1 - Description . 6 A - General Information Space requirement and installation diagram : CPVS Model 40-50-60-75 (see page 2 - installation instructions) Fig. 0000004219 00000 n Pressure Stop threshold Instructions Required pressure Time Speed stop timing minimun time Min speed Time Flow Q Min Q Time E - Operating incidents The staff in charge of maintenance of the CPVS compressor must become fully acquainted with this machine, in order to be able to easily diagnose any anomaly. 2261 0 obj <>stream It may be lifted either with a forklift truck or by means of a travelling crane.

0000003247 00000 n

It is driven by an electric motor and enclosed in a sound proof cowling which is necessary for proper cooling. %PDF-1.6 % 0000008395 00000 n 4. Fig. 0000012733 00000 n 0000008183 00000 n The markers of the indicator lights relate to the control panel. 0000013953 00000 n

0000007060 00000 n D - Commissioning 1 - Preparation for start-up (See Section 3). ;v(xH4x X%|65. 2.2 27 4.8 36 24.9 Air outlet 23 29.3 CPVS 40 CPVS 50 CPVS 60-75 14.7 19.6 27 15.3 A 13.4 Type 13.4 Dimensions (in) Air inlet without deflector Chicago Pneumatic Compressors 62 305 258 65 16 2. 0000402413 00000 n 0000011050 00000 n To prevent the nest of tubes from being deformed or damaged, when assembling or disassembling the radiator unions and hoses, the radiator sleeves' must be kept rotating by means of a wrench. Get news, promotions and discounts - straight to your inbox. The compressor package includes the rotary screw air compressor element, main drive motor, air and oil system, filters, oil cooler, cooling fan and electro-pneumatic regulating control. %PDF-1.4 %

0000410650 00000 n Install an RC filter on the KM2 coil. 194 52 0000005355 00000 n 0000009163 00000 n 0000011888 00000 n 0000009400 00000 n 0000004065 00000 n 26`hs82080hH\PXB@%4@ l@$,ha!I,:%WK6e>fj9hS$RdP1* 0000014443 00000 n Section 7 - Maintenance The summary on the CP instrument panel shows at a glance the type and periodicity of operations to be carried out for the compressor to function correctly. Before start-up, check the following points: 1 - Ensure that the unit has a suitable earth, 2 - Check the oil level in the compressor, NOTE: the tank was filled in the factory with a suitable oil. 0000009877 00000 n 0000007173 00000 n ^1;g;\^t3;#Jnw*lc+,J25gi >=}lDn~~*hYF%79sDQGW 0000005001 00000 n 0000006090 00000 n 0000011164 00000 n endstream endobj 2169 0 obj <> endobj 2170 0 obj [2171 0 R] endobj 2171 0 obj <>>> endobj 2172 0 obj <> endobj 2173 0 obj <> endobj 2174 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 2175 0 obj <> endobj 2176 0 obj <> endobj 2177 0 obj <> endobj 2178 0 obj <>stream Section 5 - Options A - Level detection bleed valve (Fig. 0000003679 00000 n 0000013838 00000 n The QRS Series is a single stage, aircooled, oil injected rotary screw air compressor package. trailer 0000014194 00000 n 0000008502 00000 n 0000395330 00000 n 0000011395 00000 n 2168 94 Water outlet Manual condensation water draining Water inlet Automatic condensation water draining Unplug and decompress the compressor before maintenance 6. 1 75 Air outlet Air outlet Air inlet 3.9 44 69,3 1"1/2 NPT AIR DELIVERY 3.9 2 Air inlet 7.6 16 5.9 1/4" NPT Drain 7.6 37.4 25.8 66.5 66.5 A * : POWER SUPPLY * dia. F - Electric cabling Each CPVS is wired for a pre-determined voltage, i.e. )Ku>Hd,S9=#Z&{+y,. 0000004327 00000 n A fuse holder section switch completes CP standard's safety devices. 0000002230 00000 n America's Choice For Compressed Air Equipment. 8 Binding of the air / oil separator before 6000 Hours thus an increase in maintenance cycles and maintenance costs. 0000003733 00000 n This option is proposed in cases where the production of compressed air should suffer only the minimum periods of shutdowns. The oil is stored in a vertical tank, which is fitted with an oil separator. Download the current Chicago Pneumatic RCP and RCP-C Manual Here. 0000003835 00000 n 514c c Fig. 0000013361 00000 n 0000003085 00000 n The compression element is a single-stage, oil-refrigerated, rotary screw compressor. BelAire and Chicago Pneumatic 5 Year Warranty, Chicago Pneumatic RCP and RCP-C Air Compressors, Industrial Gold Two Stage Air Compressors, Industrial Gold Gas Drive Air Compressors, Ingersoll Rand Reciprocating Air Compressors, Quincy QP Pressure Lubricated Air Compressors, Quincy QT Series Splash Lubricated Air Compressors, Single Phase Rotary Screw Air Compressors, Variable Speed Rotary Screw Air Compressors, ConX X Air Portable Rotary Screw Air Compressors, Elgi Portable Rotary Screw Air Compressors, EMAX Portable Rotary Screw Air Compressors, Irrigation and Heavy Construction Air Compressors, Gasoline and Diesel Engine Driven Air Compressors, High Inlet Temperature Refrigerated Dryers, Compressed Air Dryers 0 - 15 CFM Capacity, Compressed Air Dryers 30 - 60 CFM Capacity, Compressed Air Dryers 60 - 100 CFM Capacity, Compressed Air Dryers 100 - 200 CFM Capacity, Chicago Pneumatic Refrigerated Air Dryers, Air Piping Systems and Air Line Accessories, Portacool Parts, Maintenance Items and Accessories, BelAire and Chicago Pneumatic Air Compressor Pumps, Chicago Pneumatic RCP-3561V 3.5 HP Single Phase Single Stage 60 Gallon Air Compressor, Chicago Pneumatic RCP-224VP 2 HP 115 Volt Single Phase 24 Gallon Vertical Portable Air Compressor, Chicago Pneumatic CPXHT Dryer Parts Manual, Chicago Pneumatic RCP-1130G 11 HP Honda Two Stage Gasoline Driven 30 Gallon Air Compressor, New from EMAX - Portable Rotary Screw Air Compressors, Package Protection Now Available through Route.

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0003141 00000 n 0000005115 0000

0003141 00000 n 0000005115 0000  関連記事

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