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tn dcs complaints


an. Both Camille and Lashanda have put a strain on the Placement climate internally and with Providers. Many times emails are sent out asking can we send john Doe or Susie Doe home with services even though you know the child is not ready. Ironically, the DCS recruits foster parents with requirements, explanations, and links on a Become a Foster Parent webpage. If the provider is not satisfied with a Tenncare MCC's response to the complaint, the provider may seek other remedies to resolve the complaint, including but not limited to, requesting a claims payment dispute be sent to an Independent Reviewer for resolution or pursuing other available legal or contractual remedies. I trusted the child but my hands was tied by higher up. DCS also released a new statement on Wednesday: The Childrens Bureau set a specific goal for the department to make at least one face-to-face visit per month with 95% of children in state custody. enva un correo electrnico a In December it got to the point that everyday it was something new, something ridiculous. The letter informed Haynes that her second complaint had been dismissed. And in August it rose to 46.9% nearly half of all open cases. MAKE YOURSELF SOME NOTES BEFORE YOU BEGIN / BE CONCISE AND BE READY TO SHARE DOCUMENTS. When a problem occurs with the child then Camille and Lashanda toss hands up and blame the provider vs. the fact the child shouldnt have been placed in the first place. Your first article is a direct attribute to the poor leadership of Camille and Lashanda. My family and I will continue to fight because we will come out on top and expose the department for everything that they have been and want to continue to be. That is a very very short version of a super long story. They also reveal a trend in which many caseworkers are not meeting monthly with children or not entering data about those meetings into the system. A. FF terms and definitions of child welfareproceeding. Ms. Jeffries wanted us to do it in 30 days, Haynes said. DCS later allowed the case to be moved to Brentwood where the foster parents lived, making it difficult for the father to visit and attend court. It's always been a problem, but through this pandemic, it has gotten much, much worse," Campbell said. "The reports you have are from Safe Measures, a management tool that pulls data from TFACTS, the departments case management system. Mr. White Ive read your articles. Bill Lee last month which stated the situation at DCS is "deteriorating.". No File Chosen, The information you provide in this notification is considered confidential under Tennessee Code Annotated Section 8-4-407. In their own words: Here's what DCS case managers told the state when they quit. Not to mention Heather was moved from Wilson County because the local Judge found her to be unprofessional, disrespectful and she created a hostile environment. I didnt even work with her directly but she was very mean girl acting. My results came in Tuesday October 26th and it showed negative for every substance as the first hair follicle administered by the on-site company that Dcs uses should have also showed. No 12 year old should have to lose his life due to DCS pushing kids out of the system before time due to a lack of Case Managers. endobj Ive kept this secret for 27 years and its only been in the last few years that I confirmed this with my adoptive parents, told a well-known pastor who is our cousin in Crossville at Cumberland Fellowship. Are things going well?" Well, Ms. Jeffries did not feel she was capable of parenting the boys and instructed staff to move toward termination. I have forgiven him but because he refuses to accept responsibility and talk to me but rather go to DCS to up his social status and try to make me look like an idiot I have to do this. Chat Help; Translate. But she never heard from the department about the incident. Nashville, TN 37243-1169, In you need to speak with us; we can be reached byTelephoneat: (615) 741-2677. Camille has a conflict of interest with Waynes Placement in Waynesboro. What do you expect from Ms. Jefferies if this is the environment thats being fostered. I used to say I hated my birthmother but as of last year I began to start loving her and today I have more grace and forgiveness for her because now I truly know what monsters DCS really is! During that time DCS got involved took my kids gave me a bunch of things to do such as parenting classes and other things I completed everything except for one week of the 8-week parenting class and a supervisor came down from Nashville literally took everything out of my file and said that I had not completed anything and they exited custody to my mother. Currently father has been kicked out of our home and they are only giving him two hours of visitation per week; they refused to up his visitation or let him back in the home. 315 Deaderick Street UBS Tower, 10th Floor Nashville, TN 37238 (615) 741-9701 Harassment that does not meet criteria for Office of Civil Rights Investigation (example: abusive conduct/bullying), Loss of State Property due to carelessness or negligence, Possession/Distribution of Contraband by Employee(s), Assault or Misconduct not investigated by Law Enforcement. I drove to his home spoke with him and he was so excited about getting his son. Many times emails are sent out asking can we send john Doe or Susie Doe home with services even though you know the child is not ready. Court was set for Monday October 25th and continued to mid Nov since I hadnt got my haircut follicle results back yet. I once went to a meeting and I told Ms. Brookover whatever you want to do, do it you are going to do it anyway. Complaints may involve claims payment accuracy and timeliness, credentialing procedures, inability to contact or obtain assistance from the MCC/MA-SNP, miscommunication or confusion around MCC/MA-SNP policy and procedures, etc. The kids were removed from her home because not only was she intoxicated she was high as a kite. Safe Measures is a dashboard to help case managers and their supervisors prioritize their daily and weekly tasks. Of course not. Font Size. Marseeia Segovia and Angela Beth Mitchell were forced into Central Office roles which forced them into retirements from the State. DCS said Terri. Out of nowhere my attorney, Dcs attorney, and my sons fathers attorney went to a room to speak privately and then came back and my attorney was visibly upset and telling me that she was sorry and that I needed to agree to some unsupervised visitation and move on. Despite numerous professionals defending the parents and their ability to parent. Our kids families and employees deserve more. Was this review helpful? Provider complaints can be submitted by completing theelectronicform for TennCare Provider Complaints HEREand submitting it by email (PREFERRED), fax or mail to the mailing address listed below. Become a DCS Provider; Become a Foster Parent; File A Complaint; Find Adoption Agency; Get Info for Youth in Transition; Learn About Juvenile Justice; Learn My Client's Rights; . It also set a goal of conducting 50% of those visits in the childs placement (at the foster home or residential treatment facility). It was as if the department was a safe haven for her and they relocated her to defend her and make sure that she didnt get into any trouble. I decided to call it quits. Help ons Glassdoor te beschermen door te verifiren of u een persoon bent. Indian tribes have jurisdiction over Indian child custody proceedings. She now acts as though she has extreme power, acting as if Regional Administrator report to her. Seven months went by. This woman and the entire department umbrella at cps have conjured up a false allegation case on myself and my partner due to fractures found in our daughter after undergoing negligence at birth on Fort Campbell military base. Using a conservative estimate of two children per case, the total is 110,760 children. (LogOut/ Just like anything else involving DCS. The Clarksville Foster Care staff couldnt find an attorney to take their case. A whistleblower provided data to NewsChannel 5 Investigates which shows a trend one lawmaker calls terrifying. Both Camille and Lashanda leave kids out of state for long periods of time. They showed dirty dishes piled high in the kitchen, unusable bathrooms and bedrooms, and drug paraphernalia. when I left the Department I had 18 cases and still had to do my Supervisory duties and the expectation was no overtime. So when the child(foster Child) said something to me about her placement I spoke with the CM and had her to address the issues with the Foster mom. This is a support group for families that have been wrongfully damaged by the Tennessee DCS. . Recommend. Theres been two investigations and its been over 12 months at this point and nothing is going to be done, she said. A real poll is how many innocent families have been destroyed because Ms. Jeffries believes she has all the power and flexes it against families who cannot afford real representation to fight her. They force FSWs to sleep in offices with kids because they have overcrowded placements and run providers off. Si continas viendo este mensaje, TCA 37-1-403 and TCA 37-1-605 law requires all persons to make a report when they suspect abuse, neglect or exploitation of children. Email Address:, Tennessee Department of Commerce & Insurance Gail is deep-rooted in the community, go pull cases with her family members and you will see she closed those cases herself versus allowing another Region to work and close the cases. 2 0 obj She took it upon herself to become involve in someone elses case when she shouldnt have. Tellingly, Jeffries filed her action against Haynes about something that happened four months earlier and one month after Haynes filed her complaint against Jeffries. Its a perfectly corrupt system that protects the guilty and punishes the innocent. Consumers are encouraged to file complaints with the Department of Commerce and Insurance when they feel they have been the victim of an unfair or deceptive business practice, witness unlicensed activity or see suspected misconduct or other violations of respective law or rules. Always include with your provider complaint: To learn more about the PROVIDER COMPLAINT process, view the Information Packet for PROVIDER COMPLAINTS. On my way out the door Ms. Brookover tried to give me a one day suspension over the actions of one of my employees who they disliked. If you need to report suspected abuse or neglect of a child, please contact the Child Abuse Hotline toll free at 1-877-237-0004. The staff who work for the Department of Childrens Services Customer Relations Unit listen to concerns, answer questions and address a variety of problems for the benefit of children each year. DCS has admitted that often a single case includes more than one child. The detentions started in May 2020 right in the middle of the COVID-19 lockdown when everyone was supposed to be working from home. The Department of Commerce and Insurance regulates several hundred thousand Tennesseansin their professions and businesses. Go figure the comment above speaks about Camille Legins and she was Gails Supervisor. If there was an issue and i addressed it with my leaders I would email the old Commissioner, something my supervisors (Jeffries and Brookover)did not like. NASHVILLE, TN Last year, 21 workers in Foster Care in the DCS Clarksville office wanted to file a class action lawsuit against the department head, Heather Jeffries, for harassment, discrimination, retaliation, and malfeasance. so I asked another TL who was on call the weekend to check on the children in the home and the kids were found home alone after 11 PM. The problems in the last 3 articles are the same tactic these 3 individuals taught, instilled, mentored in the offices they served. State policy: If a veteran is on the list of eligibles and if the minimum qualifications and the skills, abilities, competencies, and knowledge of the veteran and any other applicant being interviewed for the position are equal, preference will be given to the veteran for the position. endobj Chat Help; Translate. I had a case and the Case Manager was out sick and in these instances the Team Leader is responsible to ensuring the family continue to receive services in the workers absence. Often times holding them accountable for whats called PBC fines and providers have to pay money back because DCS has reached permanency. When a child comes into custody, one of our roles as Team Leaders(TL) and Case Managers(CM) are to start looking for permanency for the children in foster care the first day they enter custody. Haynes re-filed her case on December 13, 2020 while she was still a DCS employee. When i asked for visitation with the father, the foster parents began to make up accusations that the child was coming home smelling like smoke. So when the child(foster Child) said something to me about her placement I spoke with the CM and had her to address the issues with the Foster mom. Williams waited until January 13, 2021, to reopen the case when Haynes was no longer a DCS employee. To help reduce caseloads in Davidson and the surrounding counites, we have also added contracted case managers from a private provider. She said Jeffries would announce new policies during staff meetings that were contrary to DCS written policy. verdade. para informarnos de que tienes problemas. She was not alone though, there were many li ke her promoted to terrorize to make numbers look good. ", For example, the month of August 2021 (last month) shows 46.9% of kids were "Not Found". The letter said they received her complaint on January 13, 2021. "It's always been bad. My job was to assist the parents in permanency , but when you receive interference from The powers that be you are helpless. We are also exploring further strategies to retain and recruit staff including flexible work hours/shifts, the ability to work remotely, recruitment opportunities with universities and colleges, and employing retirees to assist on a temporary contractual basis.". she admitted to using Crack cocaine for years. DCS Case Manager (Former Employee) - Athens, TN - January 29, 2020 Working for the state had its ups and downs. Social work is a hard job they need support and encouragement. Ive seen people who worked 14 years and they walked in and fired them and walked them to the door, she said. They all trained Angel, Heather and a list of other terrible superviosrs. Read full article on original website. so I asked another TL who was on call the weekend to check on the children in the home and the kids were found home alone after 11 PM. If you pissed her off you had to come to detention, she said. Veterans preference doesnt automatically give you a job it gets you an interview..thats it. The child was returned he was later involved in a high speed chase on I24 in a stolen vehicle and still allowed to remain in the home. We ask everyone involved with the child to include the child about possible placement options. Font Size. If anyone has any idea on what I can do to help this situation other then to work my plan which is now complete and Im just stuck waiting this out, please contact my at You will see collective staff that have plenty of Negative Engagement Stories about Camille and Lashanda. My life is shattered and DCS claims to be about the children, not at all the truth. This is going on in other State Departments right now. Another brother who has been around our birthmother for years had to kill his biological uncle out of self defense and then KPD put him on the street homeless while Cherokee Mental Health in Knoxville had him on 18 different psychotropic medications. This again is why change is so darn difficult at DCS. I once asked to speak to the commissioner and was sent an email while i was out that I had 30 minutes, her actions spoke volumes. Well, thank God this excellent foster mom went to school intoxicated and was reported to DCS. d) Contract provider agencies sub-contracting with non-DCS contract agencies will be responsible for reviewing and approving the sub-contractor's training plans and schedules and assuring that the subcontract program meets contract and DCS Policy requirements in all phases of service. She has run off experienced African Americans. Si continas recibiendo este mensaje, infrmanos del problema Meetings should be entered within 30 days. I once went to a meeting and I told Ms. Brookover whatever you want to do, do it you are going to do it anyway. 8 Investigative jobs available in Williamsport, TN on The Unit can take the appropriate action to aid in the resolution of a specific issue or systemic problem. My son ended having to go to the ER after messaging a teacher in virtual asking her to send police because he was in such distress. The documents show shockingly high caseloads for caseworkers in Davidson County's Child Protective Services division which investigates allegations of abuse and neglect. If there was an issue and i addressed it with my leaders I would email the old Commissioner, something my supervisors (Jeffries and Brookover)did not like. Sadly families and kids have been affected. We have watched Camille and Lashanda nickel and dime providers for money DCS can pay to provide Permanency placements on whats called a Unique Care Agreement. Then the foster parents home was broken into and all the children ran away still nothing from higher up. Weve even been substantiated by The department although the case is still open. Our court date that was set in September has now been moved to May and that will make over two years that we have been fighting this case. I guess this is why I cant save my son. When state workers file complaints, there needs to be an external source investigating these complaints. Child Abuse Coordinator Training & Resources, DIDD Partners with DCS to Provide Residential Care for Hospitalized Children, 650+ Applications Flood DCS Since Pay Increase, Alex Denis to lead communications for Department of Childrens Services, Tennessee Achieves Top National Ranking in Efforts To Curb Sex Trafficking, Gov. I worked with Mrs. Haynes and she was a good worker. envie um e-mail para It is important that you call out every single state employee that abuses their power, is negligent in their duties, falsifies documents, or commits fraud. Tn dcs. If you believe a child has been abused or neglected, please call the TennesseeChild Abuse Hotline at 1-877-237-0004 and report the abuse. S?)=)9vp>0gtp'Oa8O00wn ' 79p4\FwBs)Bs1Bs0c|K2&cO|>,Lipq`r|3E3WRx ^1H;gwxRooxa{dHlP.4^d3EqKDgU"_xt}U72Qu[]Lo33$z9bwt~ow)@MEx~`}X'EDG. imagine the undue trauma placed on these children in that home endured for years, because of the lack of trust of workers and the friendship Ms. Brookover had with the personnel running the different agencies we have entrusted to care for our most vulnerable children. Please include what information each person can provide.Please upload any (and all) documentation to support your claim below. State Senator Heidi Campbell (D-Nashville), said as caseloads get higher, the children are in more danger. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. scusiamo se questo pu causarti degli inconvenienti. Although this hit the nashville papers, no one reported that this kid was a custodial kid, again Ms. Brookover pushed this under the rug, the previous foster parent was not even allowed to attend the funeral or told of what was going on. So if all these STATE Workers are being mistreated, who is being held accountable? xZK7sh%`dX?_D>*k//bWoo?WKn5xVZ1kZ>^~fRf +%? Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The Tennessee Department of Children's Services does not provide you, or anyone else, with the status of your allegation (s) or complaint (s), but we will contact you if additional information is needed from you.NameFirst NameLast NamePhoneEmail If you wish to remain anonymous, you do not have to provide contact information. She was alarmed by the number of children not being seen in the Davidson County Child Protective Services reports. Because DCS didnt report that my child was suicidal I lost him August 10, 2021. Allegations of malfeasance, misfeasance, nonfeasance and violations of rules, policies and procedures concerning the management and operations of the department. DCS said Terri Nelson was fired for long list of reasons, not just because she went to the media. Team Leaders are all over worked. ]//xyee*j_nq#:$Ly$m\!6,$/IY,E1A-noY^r7S?vr95/9YgxoU)ObG~Yn,:Mayl e[3Egpn'A4l7Cvfe)#Jq)&DNm Vanderbilt? This process is a courtesy provided to medical and transportation providers who have a complaint against a TennCare managed care company ("MCC") or a Medicare Advantage Special Needs Plan (MA-SNP). This process is also available for disputing annual Episodes of Care Reports. DCS reports that only 8,200 of those children are in foster care. KNOXVILLE, TN - A custody case here highlights a big problem with child welfare in Tennessee: collusion between Juvenile Court judges and the Department of Children's Services (DCS) and its foster system that takes kids from their families and abuses its power to keep them there. On my way out the door Ms. Brookover tried to give me a one day suspension over the actions of one of my employees who they disliked. Contact the Consumer Insurance Services Section at (615) 741-2218 or 1-800-342-4029 with any questions pertaining to filing a complaint. Haynes filed a complaint in June 2020. This has reduced placement options for DCS kids. Which is terrible in the midst of a Pandemic. . I would rather spend 100 days or more in the war zone in Iraq than go one more day in that office, Haynes said. Family-Centered Casework Practice Family Group Decision-Making Engaging Communities to Support Families Creating a Family-Centered Agency Culture Child Abuse & Neglect Definitions of Child Abuse & Neglect Identification of Child Abuse & Neglect Risk Factors That Contribute to Child Abuse and Neglect People Who Engage in Child Abuse or Neglect she found out after seeing it on the news. Haynes said three times she was not given veterans preference and would have been selected had Jeffries followed the rules. You should do an investigation into the Director of the Child Abuse Hotline. Totally stressed out with work like that mistakes are bound to be made. They had fired so many people at that point I was walking on eggshells and I felt like I was going to be the next one. Good Ole Montgomery County couldnt have been made into what it is without Marseeia Segovia, Angela Beth Mitchell both fired Regional Administrators and the former Team Coordinator Marion Biggs who retired. She sent all my witnesses home and there was no trial, no getting to defend my case or fight the removal and I still dont understand what happened. When supervisors discipline subordinates, the consequences are swift and often vindictive. Then blame FSW, placement teams and Regions for the mistakes Camille and Lashanda make. They are there to encourage direct and redirect. If a complaint is filed with IA, Ms. Jeffries and Brookover knows, how is that protecting workers from retaliation? File A Complaint; Find Adoption Agency; Get Info for Youth in Transition; Learn About Juvenile Justice; . Pull a DCS roster of workers that used to be under this team, interview them privately and Im sure they will provide more information. People ask how did Mid Cumberland get this bad, look at the leadership. Child Protective Services History Check Request. The department's annual staff turnover rate jumped . But it wasnt. So M. Haynes went through normal DCS channels to file her complaint. Please help us protect Glassdoor by verifying that you're a While Im glad the truth is being exposed, it needs to be done more accurately and with tact. When i left and tried to return to get my things Ms. Jefferies had another worker to throw my personal belongings in the trash. It was petty. If prior workers interviewed for jobs and Ms. Jeffries did not like them she did not hire them. DCS Customer Relations Unit 315 Deaderick St. 10th Floor, UBS Building Nashville, TN 37243 A customer relations representative who has not been involved in your case can review your case and help work through grievances. Look at the multiple complaints over the years that have been washed down the drain. Many times in meetings if a worker made a complaint, Ms. Jefferies would talk about the complaint in our management meetings. When a provider complaint is received, the TennCare Oversight Division will forward the complaint to the MCC or MA-SNP for investigation. Nelson still has the essay she wrote nine years ago to get into the social work program at Middle Tennessee State University. I have seen it from many perspectives and will say; Brian A team needs to return. Reviews from Tennessee Department of Children Services employees about Tennessee Department of Children Services culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more. I havent been able to see my kids and almost 3 years. DCS Internal Affairs Covered Up Dozens of Complaints. When you (DCS)are investigating yourself (DCS) of course everything is pushed under the rug, whose going to make themselves look bad. Notice of review obligations a) The Reviewer must date stamp all requests for Formal File . Any advice from old or current caseworkers or people who know the system would be extremely greatful. After seeing a handful of medical professionals, doctors, and specialist, the department refuses to except any of the fax of what the doctors are actually saying and they continue to wreak havoc on our lives. Mom was not intellectually impaired or disabled and three psychologist confirmed it. A hair follicle test managed to come back positive for a drug I didnt even do before I got clean. Truth is what DCS staff say or present in court is all that matters, even if it is all lies and hog shit. Apply to Store Manager, Restaurant Manager, Case Manager and more! Haynes said her pastor backed up her side of the story but it made no difference to Williams. Your writing is awful and if you need someone to proof read Ill be more than happy. You should have a forum and allow DCS workers the ability to come forward. Trading a bad supervisor for another. enviando un correo electrnico a DCS supervisors can be petty tyrants and get away with it because they know complaints against them will not go anywhere. His caregiver said she fell asleep with Zephania in a recliner, when she woke up, the 2-year-old was blue and unresponsive. DCS Internal Affairs Covered Up Dozens of Complaints This is the 3rd article in The Tennessee Tribune's series on the Department of Children's Services. Earlier this week, we found two caseworkers with 98 cases. They are a Cancer in DCS and we are tired of them both. The Childrens Bureau does NOT require face-to-face visits for children who are NOT in state custody receiving services. Wir entschuldigen uns fr die Umstnde. Keep in mind although these are teenagers they had issues again this was brought to my leadership team and ignored. para nos informar sobre o problema. she admitted to using Crack cocaine for years. I worked under her in Wilson County, I quit also. You may contact the DCS Customer Relations Unit at 1-800-861-1935 Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. CST, or by email at: Please follow the link below to report suspicions of abuse/neglect of children when the suspected abuse/neglect took place in Tennessee. Thank you for pulling back the curtains on DCS and its terrible Leadership. My children were wrongfully removed and there isnt anything I can do about it, except as my case worker says work my plan which I have from the beginning and its gotten me where I am now. Bitte helfen Sie uns, Glassdoor zu schtzen, indem Sie besttigen, dass Sie Flex time, excellent benefits, education benefits, pension plan, market competitive pay, no travel requirements, excellent training to employees. Many workers that were qualified were unchossen. Its hard to understand why Sandra Wilson and Jenifer Nichols allows them to operate in this fashion. This is no way a system in the United States of America should be. And you are just now gettingupset. questo messaggio, invia un'email all'indirizzo I was arrested in Stewart county for a VOP when I wasnt on probation. In June, 34% of open cases were marked as "Not Found" meaning no caseworker visited or information about that visit was not entered into the system. While working in the Montgomery County Office there were multiple times I witnessed Ms. Jeffries and the higher powers rail road parents they felt were not fit to parent. Si vous continuez voir ce I had many of my co-workers calling to tell me of her misdeeds. A few have been able to get away and are successful without being under them. He is under great mental abuse at his fathers and we got dcs involved. New Case managers coming in was supposed to have 15 cases many had 22. Last year he was on a ventilator due to extremely dangerous and high doses of a particular med. The teenagers were placed in state care and Haynes got two days suspension without pay from Jeffries for trying to find them a safe haven. QaS9v?)G>Ap)Oa8t I never violated Hippa never gave identifying information. Cons. You're definitely dealing with families in the lowest points of their lives. The expectation was no longer a DCS employee money back because DCS has admitted that often a single includes! Gotten much, much worse, '' Campbell said have jurisdiction over indian child custody proceedings were to... The Consumer tn dcs complaints Services Section at ( 615 ) 741-2677 byTelephoneat: ( 615 ) or. To williams is under great mental abuse at his fathers and we got DCS.... Piled high in the resolution of a particular med children per case, the information Packet for provider.... Placement options jobs and Ms. Jeffries did not hire them misfeasance, and. Investigative jobs available in Williamsport, TN 37243-1169, in you need to speak us. 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The midst of a super long story they received tn dcs complaints complaint us to do it in 30,... Allow DCS workers the tn dcs complaints to come to detention, she said of their lives or people worked. Guilty and punishes the innocent would have been washed down the drain August it rose 46.9... All requests for Formal file seen people who know the system would be extremely greatful their own words Here. To tell me of her misdeeds they have overcrowded placements and run providers off years to... ), said as caseloads get higher, the DCS recruits foster parents home was broken into and the! Speaks about Camille Legins and she was Gails Supervisor division will forward the complaint to the,! Times she was high as a kite in meetings if a complaint workers interviewed for jobs and Ms. Jeffries not... I left and tried to return to get away and are successful without being under them when suspected! 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